Online Articles Database
These are the most interesting and most useful articles gathered from all around the internet. If the article is boring, doesn't make sense, dull, lame, anything bad, it won't be found here. Only the coolest, most interesting and most useful articles are found here.
Knowledge Mastery
Why You Shouldn't Procrastinate and ways to prevent procrastination - A skill everyone should know. The only way procrastination will rule you, is if you don't know about procrastination.
Drugs are for Stupid People - Learn why drugs are for stupid people, with cold hard facts. Also, learn a few things in order to win arguments against those who are pro-doing-drugs.
Why the IQ test is stupid - Too many people believe that the IQ test actually measures intelligence, it does not. Unlike speed and strength, and abilities, intelligence cannot be measured. There are different categories of intelligence, someone can be good at one thing and suck at another, the IQ test should be barred forever.
Crazy Ways Animals Reproduce - How the heck do other animals reproduce? This is something most people do not know about, they may have a deep, hidden interest on how some animals mate with each other, but never bother to get their questions answered.
Origin of Words in English - I've always thought that some of the words used in the English language were just randomly made up, and even though that is mostly true, there had to be some time when the words were firstused! When, where, why, how, and who used 'bomb' for the first time? Do any other words have interesting origins as well? Find out here.
Are Goals Good For You? - How come there are so many guides on the internet on how to properly set goals? Is there a single proper way to set goals, that actually works? Read this guide and learn the truth about goals, whether they're helpful or whether they're not.
The Best Way to Die, EVER - What is the best way to die ever? Read this article and find out! I'm actually confused myself on how come this method isn't popularly or widely used. As of the time of this writing, there have only beenseven recorded cases of dying from this method. In our 2000 years of history.
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